Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Test-Pharm-Vit B12-Anemia-Diabetes


1. Administration of cyanocobalamin to treat vitamin B12 can result in:
a. hyperkalemia.
b. hypokalemia.
c. hypocalcemia.
d. hypercalcemia.

2. The nurse is preparing to administer cyanocobalamin? By which route(s) can this agent be delivered?
a. Oral or intranasal
b. Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, or Intravenous
c. Intramuscular only
d. Intravenous only

3. The nurse is evaluating a patient taking folic acid. One concern in this patient is that taking the folic acid may:
a. cause fetal malformation.
b. worsen megaloblastic anemia.
c. mask signs of vitamin B12 deficiency.
d. negatively impact potassium levels.

4. Iron dextran is indicated for patients who:
a. are allergic to oral iron preparations.
b. are unable to absorb oral iron.
c. do not like the taste of iron.
d. are hypertensive.

5. When the nurse is administering parenteral iron, the preferable route is:
a. intravenous.
b. interosseous.
c. subcutaneous.
d. intramuscular.

6. Sodium ferric gluconate complex is indicated for which of the following groups of patients?
a. Patients taking Dextran
b. Patients under the age of 13
c. Patients with iron deficiency anemia on hemodialysis
d. Patients over the age of 70

7. The nurse is following a 52-year-old male who underwent total gastrectomy for cancer. After achieving normal hematologic parameters, his maintenance dose of B12 for life should be:
a. 10 mEq.
b. 100 mcg.
c. 50 mgs.
d. 100 mgs.

8. The nurse is assessing a newly diagnosed patient for short-term complications of diabetes. This assessment includes:
a. signs and symptoms of hyper or hypoglycemia.
b. cranial nerve testing for peripheral neuropathy.
c. pedal pulse palpation for arterial insufficiency.
d. auscultation of carotids for bruits associated with atherosclerosis

9. The Diabetes Complications and Control Trial demonstrated that:
a. type 2 diabetes is easier to tightly control.
b. there is no difference in complication rate in patients with type 2 diabetes who are tightly controlled when compared with those who are not.
c. tightly controlling Type 1 diabetes produces excessive episodes of life-threatening hypoglycemia.
d. tightly controlling Type 1 diabetes reduces the risk of eye, kidney and nerve damage from the disease.
10. A woman with type 1 diabetes has recently become pregnant. The nurse is devising a blood glucose testing schedule for her. Which of the following is the recommended monitoring schedule?
a. Before each meal and before bed
b. In the morning for a fasting level and at 4pm for the NPH peak level
c. Six to 7 times per day
d. Three times per day along with urine glucose testing

11. An adolescent patient has recently attended a heath fair and had his serum glucose tested. He calls reporting a level of 125 and asks the nurse whether this means that he is diabetic. The nurse should explain that:
a. unless he was fasting for over 8 hours, this does not necessarily indicate that he is diabetic.
b. at this level he is probably diabetic though will need a oral glucose tolerance test this week.
c. this level is conclusive evidence that his is diabetic.
d. this level is conclusive evidence that he is not diabetic.

12. Insulin glargine has been ordered for a diabetic patient on the nursing unit. The nurse will expect to administer this:
a. approximately 15–30 minutes before each meal.
b. in the morning and at 4 p.m.
c. once daily.
d. after meals and at bedtime.

13. A major difference between aspirin and other cyclooxygenase inhibitors is that it:
a. may produce gastric bleeding.
b. has irreversible effects.
c. affects clotting.
d. can damage kidneys.

14. The nurse is providing analgesia to a surgical patient on day 1 post-op. Which of the following agents would be safest in terms of bleeding risk?
a. Enteric-coated aspirin
b. Naproxen
c. Choline salicylate
d. Ibuprofen

15. A patient who has recent started therapy with indomethacin for acute gouty arthritis complains of frontal headache. The nurse is aware that this complaint is:
a. indicative of allergic reaction.
b. is a common adverse effect.
c. not related to the indomethacin therapy.
d. indicates that the dose is excessive.

16. The nurse is discussing adverse effects of meclofenamate with a woman initiate therapy for dysmenorrhea. It is important to warn this patient about the common adverse effect of:
a. diarrhea.
b. constipation.
c. headache.
d. rash.

17. The use of glucocorticoids can lead to an increased chance of:
a. allergic reactions.
b. infection.
c. diuresis.
d. increased calcium absorption.

18. Glucocorticoids are contraindicated in patients with:
a. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
b. Rheumatoid arthritis.
c. Systemic fungal infections.
d. Asthma.

1b, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8a, 9d, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

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