Monday, May 02, 2005

Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

Here is the article. To print questions and answers together, click on comments and print from there.
Diverticulosis is defined as
a. the presence of uninflamed diverticulum in the colon.
b. the development of abscesses in the colon.
c. diverticular disease that remains asymptomatic.
d. having clinical evidence of inflammation.

True diverticulum
a. herniate through the mucosa and submucosa layers of the intestinal wall.
b. develop most commonly in areas of weakness in the intestinal lining.
c. are dispersed throughout the entire length of the large intestine.
d. have the same uniform appearance.

In which part of the colon does the development of diverticula most commonly occur?
a. ascending
b. transverse
c. descending
d. sigmoid

Undigested food particles that become lodged in the diverticula can lead to
a. the development of additional herniations.
b. perforation.
c. bowel spasticity.
d. increased intraluminal pressure.

Complications associated with diverticulitis include
a. intestinal blockage.
b. fecal impaction.
c. appendicitis.
d. toxic megacolon.

Generally, patients with diverticular disease seek clinician evaluation
a. when there is a family history of diverticulosis.
b. when they turn 50 years old.
c. when they begin to experience symptoms.
d. as part of colon cancer screening.

The most common complication of diverticulosis is
a. rectal carcinoma.
b. diverticulitis.
c. rectal bleeding.
d. perforation.

Pain associated with diverticulitis is usually
a. slow in onset.
b. occurs in the right lower quadrant.
c. intermittent.
d. rebounding and guarding.

Female patients with diverticulitis may have
a. urinary retention.
b. a change in menses.
c. right-sided abdominal pain.
d. fecal discharge from the vagina.

The diagnostic tool of choice for patients with acute diverticulitis is
a. a CT scan.
b. an abdominal ultrasound.
c. an MRI.
d. a double contrast barium enema.

Treatment of mild diverticulosis includes
a. bowel rest.
b. antibiotics.
c. high-fiber diet.
d. narcotics.

Pain management of patients with acute severe diverticulitis includes
a. OxyContin.
b. Demerol.
c. Tylenol #3.
d. morphine.

The recommended amount of time to postpone surgery for acute inflammation of diverticulitis is
a. 3 weeks.
b. 4 weeks.
c. 5 weeks.
d. 6 weeks.

Surgical treatment of mild diverticulitis involves
a. a primary anastomosis.
b. a permanent colostomy.
c. the Hartman procedure.
d. a temporary stoma diversion.

Which of the following vegetables has the highest fiber content?
a. 1 cup of frozen corn
b. 1/2 cup of asparagus
c. one potato with the skin
d. 1/2 cup of lima beans

Which of the following foods is the best source of fiber?
a. brown rice
b. raspberries
c. whole wheat cereal
d. prunes


Bonnie Boss said...

These answers were hard for me to come by this time, I kept getting 2 wrong and it took awhile for me to figure it out.

Bonnie Boss said...

They used to think that you could not eat nuts and seeds, but I read a new article which says that they could not prove that these food items made it any worse.