Saturday, May 21, 2005

Lecture Questions

1.I recorded the lecture and this is what I could get.
2.What is angina? Chest Pain
3.Pt. is diagnosed w/ essential HTN what is the cause? Unknown
4.Serious complication of HTN? cardiomyopathy
5.Digoxin causes a neg. chronotrope and a pos. inotrope
6.What part of the ECG makes the ventricles work? QRS
7.What part of the ECG makes the atria work? P wave
8.How does cardizem help you? Blocks ca channels in the heart and blood vessels. Lower BP through arteriol dilation. Used for Angina, HTN, and dysrhthmias
9.Pt. has activity intolerance r/t reduced cardiac reserve and enforced bedrest. Before you let them get up what r u going to do? - check blood work for Sed(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) rate and make sure its normal also their pulse should be less than 150
- Sed is useful in monitoring the course of inflammatory activity in rheumatic diseases
10. When doing pt. teaching first you want to assess their level of understanding
11. Pt. has had a splenectomy, what will be impaired? Their immune system, and they will nedd a pneumo and flu vaccine.
12. The most common adverse effect to chemo? To combat the most adverse effect to chemo? give antiemetics
13. ABCD in assessing skin cancer, what is A? Assemetry
14. A pt. has ACS, what did they come in with? chest pain.
15. B- blockers- how can you tell their effective? reduce Hr
16. If you have PVC, what electrolytes are off? potassium
17. Why do TENS unit work?Which would predispose your pt. to corectal cancer? polyp formation
18.Pt. has GI bleed, what kind of diet should they have? NPO
19.Pt. is having a peritoneal lavage what is contraindicated? A full bladder, they need to empty their bladder
20. 70y.o. pt. wants to get up and use bethroom. he has pain, anemic, and weak. How are you gonna help him? Get a bedpan. agent smokes a pack a day and drinks several cocktails an evening, what is the most powerful contributor to their CAD? smoking
22.When assesing a HTN pt. what do they most commonly experience? NOTHING
23. Dietary control of HTN in add. to na restriction, what else might you do?
24. B- blockers- inhibit sympathetic nervous system
25. What are target organs secondary to HTN? kidneys, need to look at BUN and creatine
26. petechia are r/t ASA products
27. What do you measure when client is taking heparin? PTT
28. What do you measure when pt. taking cumadin?
29. what do you tell a pt. eating green leafy veggies with anticoagulants? eat same amount everyday
30. vegan pt. is anemic what are some things they can eat to increase their iron? Big juicy steak or legumes and whole grains?
31. Pernicious anemia pt. will need b12 shots for the rest of their life
32. calculate MAP
33. If you cant palpate PMI in 5th ICS what does that mean? enlarged heart
34. when you talk to a pt. in efforts to control cardiac disease it is a.... preventative measure
35. troponin why monitor? for heart failure. also you can monitor ck and myglobin
36. What would you advise the client has the maximum amount of impact on health of HTN?
Sedentary lifestyle. ETOH is sec. best awnser
37. What are challenges faced by 65 y.o.? these are the wrong awsers- managing home, developing liesure activities, and selecting a vocation
38. When is interferon effective for Hep A?
39. Males should be taught about testicular self exam at what age?



Bonnie Boss said...

Thank you for taking the time to type all of those out Laura, I couldn't write fast enough or read some of my scribbled notes.

Bonnie Boss said...

Thank you for taking the time to type all of those out Laura, I couldn't write fast enough or read some of my scribbled notes.