Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Perineal Skin Care

Don't forget the skin, we will be dealing with this forever on the floors.
Answers are in the comments.
1. Which of these patients is at increased risk for developing perineal dermatitis?
a. an emaciated patient
b. a patient who has a sacral ulcer
c. a physically inactive patient
d. a patient who has impaired circulation
2. Delayed replacement of the epidermal cells is found in
a. patients who are incontinent.
b. anemic patients.
c. elderly patients.
d. patients who are receiving chemotherapy.
3. Which of these layers of the skin is essential in providing nutrients for wound healing?
a. the dermis
b. the basal layer
c. the stratum granulosum
d. the nerve endings
4. Which of these factors contributes to the skin's ability to act as a barrier between the internal and external environments?
a. its pigment
b. its turgor
c. its folds
d. its pH5.
How many liters of fluid per day does an individual lose through the skin?
a. less than 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
6. Which of these techniques is used to assess the skin's function as a barrier?
a. skin fat fold measurements
b. skin temperature measurements
c. transepidermal water loss measurements
d. dermal layer thickness measurements
7. Which of these nursing measures may increase a patient's risk for developing perineal dermatitis?
a. using warm tap water to cleanse the perineum
b. positioning an incontinent patient on his back
c. leaving the perineum open to the air after bathing
d. using a containment device on an incontinent patient
8. Which of these nursing actions increases the risk of perineal dermatitis in an elderly, bed bound, incontinent patient?
a. using a mild soap to wash the perineal area
b. vigorously scrubbing the perineal area
c. using disposable incontinent pads on the bed
d. positioning the patient on her side
9. Which of these incontinent patients should be carefully monitored for evidence of perineal dermatitis?
a. A 22-year-old who has renal cancer.
b. A 33-year-old who has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
c. A 44-year-old who has cervical cancer.
d. A 55-year-old who has urge incontinence.
10. Friction increases the risk of developing perineal dermatitis because it
a. softens the remaining skin layers.
b. decreases the pH of the remaining skin layers.
c. increases the blood supply to the tissues.
d. strips away the protective horny layer of the epidermis.
11. Which of these measures should be included when assessing a male patient for evidence of perineal dermatitis?
a. retracting the foreskin
b. applying pressure to the scrotum
c. looking at the umbilicus
d. performing a digital rectal examination
12. When planning to assess a female patient for evidence of perineal dermatitis, you should
a. insert a speculum.
b. rub the inner thighs.
c. gently separate the labia.
d. ask the patient to bear down.
13. When assessing an obese patient for evidence of perineal dermatitis, you should carefully examine
a. the lower back.
b. the lower extremities.
c. abdominal skin folds.
d. the upper chest.
14. Which of these assessments of the thighs should you include for perineal dermatitis?
a. Look at the posterior aspect.
b. Pinch for elasticity.
c. Palpate for tenderness.
d. Observe for movement.1
5. Dermatitis in a patient who has fecal incontinence usually originates
a. in the perianal space.
b. in the labial folds in females.
c. under the scrotal sac in males.
d. on the posterior aspect of the thighs.
16. Prevention of skin problems in an incontinent patient should focus on
a. keeping the skin very dry.
b. promoting blood supply through friction.
c. providing a moist environment for healing.
d. removing irritants from the skin.
17. Which of these measures should be included when providing perineal care to replace lost skin lipids?
a. routinely applying moisturizers
b. scrubbing the skin every 2 hours
c. using disposable diapers
d. applying an incontinence bag
18. Which of these types of perineal cleansers should be used when cleansing an incontinent patient?
a. a perineal cleanser that has antibacterial properties
b. a perineal cleanser that has a fragrance
c. a perineal cleanse that contains a surfactant
d. a perineal cleanser that is abrasive
19. When providing perineal care to an incontinent patient, which of the following products should you select?
a. a no-rinse agent
b. a detergent bar
c. a product that is applied with a washcloth
d. a product that has an alkaline pH
20. Which of these moisture barriers is recommended for a patient who has fecal incontinence?
a. petrolatum
b. zinc oxide
c. plastic wrap
d. stoma wafers
21. When choosing a liquid skin sealant for a patient who has perineal irritation, ensure that it
a. has a high pH level.
b. is alcohol free.
c. contains a polymer.
d. is an ointment.
22. Which types of skin sealant cleanser should you use for a patient who requires frequent bathing?
a. a cream based product
b. a cleanser that is resistant to washing
c. a no sting product
d. a cleanser that is cost effective
23. Which of these measures should be used when using a powder to absorb excess moisture in a patient's skin folds?
a. apply a thin layer
b. cover the powder with a gauze dressing
c. rub the powder into the skin
d. liberally cover the entire area with a thick coating
24. Which cleansing techniques should be used for a severely incontinent patient with intact perineal skin?
a. daily cleansing when a moist incontinent containment device is changed
b. hourly application of a moisture barrier cream
c. aggressive skin cleansing after every incontinence episode
d. scrubbing with an antibacterial product every few hours
25. Which of these agents should you recommend to facilitate the removal of zinc oxide?
a. alcohol-based cleansers
b. mineral oil
c. antibacterial powder
d. warm water
26. The ideal product for perineal care for a patient who has dermatitis will
a. increase transepidermal water loss.
b. increase local blood supply.
c. increase the temperature of the perineum.
d. increase the pH of the perineum.
27. Which of these outcomes should you examine to evaluate the effectiveness of a product in promoting wound healing?
a. skin water loss
b. skin humidity levels
c. reepitheliazation of the tissues
d. amount of purulent drainage
28. Well-demarcated tender perineal lesions are suggestive of
a. herpes infection.
b. pruritus ani.
c. psoriasis.
d. candida infection.
29. If a patient has perineal dermatitis related to fecal incontinence ,
a. Use heated mineral oil to cleanse the skin after each incontinence.
b. Apply a fecal incontinence bag once every 2 days.
c. Sprinkle talcum powder over the entire perineum after cleansing.
d. Apply a moisture barrier ointment after cleansing.
30. Which of these products is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer?
a. talcum-based powders
b. cornstarch-based powders
c. liquid skin sealants
d. moisture resistant ointments
31. Which of these instructions should you give to a patient to protect the skin from perspiration?
a. “Use disposable-type diapers every night.”
b. “Cover the perineal area with a gauze dressing and paper tape.”
c. “Use a moisture barrier cream after cleansing.”
d. “Use a heat lamp to gently dry the perineum.”
32. Which of these factors influences the pH of skin?
a. level of hydration
b. fat levels
c. physical activity
d. anatomic site

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6c, 7d, 8b, 9d, 10d, 11a, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15a, 16d, 17a, 18c, 19a, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23a, 24a, 25b, 26b, 27c, 28a, 29d, 30a, 31c, 32d
If you come up with different answers, let me know.