Sunday, July 31, 2005

N5 test class 2

Varcarolis: Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 4th Edition
An important difference between the developmental theories of Freud and Erikson is
A. Freud considers the entire life span from birth to old age.
B. Freud focuses to a greater extent on cognitive development.
C. Erikson viewed individual growth in terms of social setting.
D. Erikson focuses on development of individual moral thinking.

Maslow's theory of human needs has provided nursing with a framework for
A. holistic assessment.
B. determining moral development.
C. identifying potential for success in therapy.
D. conducting nurse-client interpersonal interactions.

The premise underlying behavioral therapy is
A. behavior is learned and can be modified.
B. behavior is a product of unconscious drives.
C. motives must change before behavior changes.
D. behavior is determined by cognitions. Change in cognitions produces new behavior.

The nurse planning care for a 14-year-old needs to take into account that the developmental task of adolescence is to
A. establish trust.
B. gain autonomy.
C. achieve identity.
D. develop a sense of industry.

Caring for a client with low self-esteem requires the nurse to understand that an individual's self-system incorporates the negative appraisals of significant others as the
A. ego.
B. bad-me.
C. schemata.
D. autonomous me.

Which statement best clarifies the difference between the art and the science of nursing?
A. The art is the care, compassion and advocacy component, and the science is the applied knowledge base.
B. The art is the way in which knowledge is applied and the science is the technologic aspects of care giving.
C. The art is the applied technology of practice and the science is the problem-solving and teaching aspects of care-giving.
D. The art is the assessing and planning phases of the nursing process, and the science lies in implementing and evaluating.

Which client problem would be most suited to the use of interpersonal therapy?
A. altered sensory perceptions
B. impaired social interaction
C. medication noncompliance
D. dysfunctional grieving

A cognitive therapist would help a client restructure the thought, "I'm stupid!" to
A. "What I did was stupid."
B. "I'm not as smart as others."
C. "Things usually go wrong for me."
D. "Things like this shouldn't happen to anyone."

The nurse providing anticipatory guidance to the mother of a toddler should advise that childhood temper tantrums are best handled by
A. giving the child whatever he's asking.
B. scolding the child when he displays tantrum behaviors.
C. spanking the child at the onset of the tantrum behaviors.
D. ignoring the tantrum and giving attention when the child acts appropriately.

A mother gives her 4-year-old daughter a "time-out" for breaking a toy. A few minutes later the mother observes the daughter slapping her baby sister. When the mother tells this to the nurse, the nurse can assess that the 4-year-old
A. was using displacement.
B. employed reaction-formation.
C. has problems with impulse control.
D. was behaving in a regressed fashion.

A client who has smoked for thirty years has had a persistent productive cough for several weeks. An X-ray visualizes a mass in the right lung and his physician schedules him for a biopsy. He tells family and friends, "It's probably only a rib shadow." He is using
A. denial.
B. regression.
C. projection.
D. displacement.

A client diagnosed with a malignant lung lesion is scheduled to undergo surgery. Although his physician has secured consent, when the nurse begins preoperative teaching he responds, "What do you mean I'm going to have surgery? What are they going to do?" In terms of Sullivan's theory, the client's defense against anxiety has most probably taken the form of
A. displacement.
B. introjection.
C. rationalization.
D. selective inattention.

A woman was called into her supervisor's office and reprimanded for inefficiency in her work. When she left the supervisor's office she sat at her desk and opened, then slammed, several drawers. An observer could assess this behavior as making use of
A. rationalization.
B. displacement.
C. sublimation.
D. projection.

A woman has been dating a man whom she hoped would propose. One of her acquaintances mentions that the man has become engaged to another woman. She replies, "Good. He was too tall for me." This remark shows use of
A. displacement.
B. rationalization.
C. projection.
D. reaction-formation.

The nurse is working with a client who has very low self-esteem and is distrustful of unit staff. The client is facing role transition from wife to wife and mother. Using Maslow's theory, the priority problem for the nurse to address is
A. establishing trust with the client.
B. teaching mothering skills.
C. raising self-esteem.
D. teaching about medication.

While working with an anxious client, the nurse begins to feel jittery and unsettled and has difficulty concentrating on what the client is saying. The nurse's symptoms are most likely related to
A. transference.
B. hypoglycemia.
C. empathized anxiety.
D. selective inattention.

A suspicious client smokes several packs of cigarettes daily and drinks as much coffee or soda as he is able to afford. The nurse finds him difficult to work with because nearly every intervention she tries is met with sarcasm. When she asks for advice from a peer, the most helpful response would be
A. "No one told you this business would be easy. Stick to your plan."
B. "Perhaps there's a transference problem. Ask for a change of assignment."
C. "It might help if you remember that sarcasm represents oral stage fixation."
D. "You're contributing to the happiness of someone who likes to keep others off balance."

A client comes to the clinic asking for help because his third fiancée has broken their engagement. He states, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but my friends tell me I'm too possessive." The type of therapy that might address his interpersonal deficit is
A. psychoanalysis.
B. cognitive therapy.
C. behavioral therapy.
D. interpersonal psychotherapy.

Which client statement can the nurse assess as showing use of projection?
A. "I'm the mother of Jesus."
B. "The CIA is out to get me."
C. "I deserve to be punished."
D. "I sometimes hear voices."

The nurse reads in the client progress notes that a client is disheveled, lies curled up in bed, is occasionally incontinent of urine, and is mute. Working with the client will be facilitated if the nurse views these behaviors as
A. obstinacy.
B. regression.
C. countertransference.
D. selective inattention.


Bonnie Boss said...

1c, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7d, 8a, 9d, 10a

Bonnie Boss said...

11a, 12d, 13b, 14b, 15a, 16c, 17c, 18d, 19b, 20b