Tuesday, August 16, 2005

N4 Test practice - Respiratory

Here is "Pulmonary Anatomy and Physiology and the Effects of COPD" article from the Nursing Center.

Answers are in the comments
Of the ten leading causes of death in the United States, COPD is the only disease
a. that is completely preventable.
b. whose overall incidence has decreased.
c. that is totally irreversible.
d. whose mortality rate is increasing.

The single most common risk factor for COPD is
a. occupational exposure.
b. cigarette smoking.
c. genetic predisposition.
d. impaired immunity.

Chronic bronchitis is especially prevalent among
a. older adults.
b. males.
c. African Americans.
d. children.

A classic manifestation of emphysema is
a. wheezing.
b. productive cough.
c. crackles.
d. barrel chest.

A classic manifestation of chronic bronchitis is
a. wheezing.
b. productive cough.
c. dyspnea.
d. barrel chest.

The movement of gases between air spaces in the lungs and bloodstream is called
a. ventilation.
b. aeration.
c. diffusion.
d. perfusion.

The main gas exchange components of the pulmonary system are the
a. alveoli.
b. respiratory bronchioles.
c. bronchi.
d. terminal bronchioles.

Unoxygenated blood is transported from the right side of the heart to each lung by the
a. pulmonary veins.
b. right ventricle.
c. pulmonary arteries.
d. aorta.

The first step of the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the blood is
a. pulmonary capillary perfusion by unoxygenated venous blood.
b. diffusion of CO2 into each lung's alveoli.
c. perfusion of the systemic capillaries with oxygenated blood.
d. diffusion of CO2 from the cells into the systemic capillaries.

With inadequate ventilation
a. pH drops and PaCO2 rises.
b. pH and PaCO2 both rise.
c. pH rises and PaCO2 drops.
d. pH and PaCO2 both drop.

With emphysema, airflow is limited primarily by
a. extensive fibrosis.
b. persistent inflammation.
c. structurally remodeled lung tissue.
d. thickened bronchial walls.

An early sign/symptom of COPD is
a. exercise intolerance.
b. prolonged expiration.
c. intermittent chest illness.
d. copious purulent sputum.

Hypoxemia in COPD patients is most often caused by
a. persistent cough.
b. infection.
c. hyperinflation.
d. hypoventilation.

Patients who have advanced COPD tend to assume which position to facilitate breathing?
a. tripod
b. semi-Fowler's
c. side-lying
d. supine

An especially poor prognostic sign in patients who have COPD is
a. right-sided heart failure.
b. pulmonary hypertension.
c. wheezing on forced exhalation.
d. moderate dyspnea.

As COPD worsens, which pulmonary function value decreases progressively?
a. forced vital capacity
b. total lung capacity
c. forced expiratory volume in one second
d. residual volume

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1d, 2b, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6c, 7a, 8c, 9d, 10a, 11c, 12b, 13d, 14a, 15b, 16c