Tuesday, August 09, 2005

PDA stuff

So, you have a PDA and don't know what to put on it. This is a list of what Skyscape has to offer. I downloaded the Nursing Constilation and love it. I will add more stuff later, such as the Nursing Dx book, the Manual of Lab/Dx Values book and .....You get the picutre.


OK, so you don't have a PDA, here is a link to Skyscape where you can buy the PDA already loaded with information. And you have a choice of PDAs too!


Also, http://www.us.elsevierhealth.com/Nursing , the publishers of our text books offer a lot of stuff to download for your PDA too.

Hope this helps a bit.


Bonnie Boss said...

Thanx Debbie, very helpful.

Terese K. said...

Hi guys, Hey Debbie, what the heck was the other blog address (the one of yahoo?) I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore....damn summer break! Thanx