Sunday, September 04, 2005

N4 test Blood stuff

Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care, 4th Edition

Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter 39: Assessment of the Hematologic System

1. Why is blood cell production slower in the elderly?

A. As a person ages, fatty marrow replaces significant amounts of cell-producing marrow.
B. Most elderly clients have poor appetites and do not eat sufficient amounts of animal products.
C. The epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract thins during aging, increasing the rate of blood cell loss.
D. Blood cell membranes in older adults are more fragile, causing red cell destruction to exceed red cell production.

2. The anemic client is receiving oxygen by nasal cannula at 5 L/minute continually for several days. What effect do you expect the oxygen administration to have on red blood cell production in this client? Oxygen administration:

A. has no effect on blood cell production.
B. strengthens red blood cell membranes, decreasing the rate of red blood cell destruction.
C. inhibits renal production of erythropoietin, decreasing the rate of red blood cell production.
D. increases the efficiency of red blood cell production by ensuring better oxygen saturation of all tissues.

3. Which statement regarding platelet function is true?

A. A major role of platelets is the activation of prothrombin to thrombin.
B. Platelet aggregation into a platelet plug initiates the blood clotting cascade.
C. Platelets are required to organize the clotting factors into the formation of a fibrin clot.
D. A reduction in platelet numbers or aggregation results in a corresponding decrease in bleeding time.

4. Which substance is required for the formation of a fibrin clot but is not needed for the formation of a platelet plug?

A. Platelets
B. Plasma
C. Calcium
D. Thrombin

5. The client’s platelet count is reported as 250,000/mL. What is your best action?

A. Document the report as the only action.
B. Institute infection precautions.
C. Institute bleeding precautions.
D. Notify the physician.

6. Why is heparin administered to clients who have large blood clots (deep vein thrombosis)? To:
A. reduce afterload and decrease peripheral resistance
B. degrade the clot and prepare it for disintegration
C. counteract the bleeding caused by thrombolytics
D. prevent clot extension

7. Which statement/question by a client scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy indicates a need for clarification regarding the procedure and follow-up care?

A. “Because my job involves heavy lifting, I’m taking two days off work after the biopsy.”
B. “If I have bright red bleeding from the site after I get home, I will call the doctor.”
C. “How much bone will have to be taken for the biopsy to be accurate?”
D. “If I don’t have anesthesia, can I eat pizza for supper after the biopsy?”

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1d, 2c, 3d, 4d, 5a, 6d, 7c