Tuesday, September 27, 2005

N4 test Chapter 46 Endocrine System

1. A characteristic common to all hormones is that they
A. circulate in the blood bound to plasma proteins.
B. influence cellular activity of specific target tissues.
C. accelerate the metabolic processes of all body cells.
D. enter cells to alter the cell’s metabolism or gene expression.

2. A patient is receiving radiation therapy for cancer of the kidney. The nurse monitors the patient for signs and symptoms of damage to the
A. pancreas.
B. thyroid gland.
C. adrenal glands.
D. posterior pituitary gland.

3. A patient has a serum sodium level of 152 mEq/L (152 mmol/L). The normal hormonal response to this situation is
A. release of ADH.
B. release of renin.
C. secretion of aldosterone.
D. secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone.

4. All cells in the body are believed to have intracellular receptors for
A. insulin.
B. glucagon.
C. growth hormone.
D.thyroid hormone.

5. When obtaining subjective data from a patient during assessment of the endocrine system, the nurse asks specifically about
A. energy level.
B. intake of vitamin C.
C. employment history.
D. frequency of sexual intercourse.

6. An appropriate technique to use during physical assessment of the thyroid gland is
A. asking the patient to hyperextend the neck during palpation.
B. percussing the neck for dullness to define the size of the thyroid.
C. having the patient swallow water during inspection and palpation of the gland.
D. using deep palpation to determine the extent of a visibly enlarged thyroid gland.

7. Endocrine disorders often go unrecognized in the older adult because
A. symptoms are often attributed to aging.
B. older adults rarely have identifiable symptoms.
C. endocrine disorders are relatively rare in the older adult.
D. older adults usually have subclinical endocrine disorders that minimize symptoms.

8. An abnormal finding by the nurse during an endocrine assessment would be
A. blood pressure of 100/70.
B. soft, formed stool every other day.
C. excessive facial hair on a woman.
D. 5 lb weight gain over last 6 months.

9. A patient has a total serum calcium level of 3 mg/dl (1.5 mEq/L). If this finding reflects hypoparathyroidism, the nurse would expect further diagnostic testing to reveal
A. decreased serum PTH.
B. increased serum ACTH.
C. increased serum glucose.
D. secreased serum cortisol levels.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6c, 7a, 8c, 9a