Sunday, September 11, 2005

N4 - test - Neuro - Chapter 54

MedSurg Book
NCLEX Examination Review Questions Chapter 54

1. In a patient with a disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerves, such as multiple sclerosis, the glial cells that are affected are the
A. microglia.
B. astrocytes.
C. oligodendrocytes.
D. ependymal cells.

2. A state of hypoxia alters the repeated action potentials necessary for transmission of nerve impulses because energy is required for
A. repolarization of the cell membrane.
B. creation of cell membrane permeability.
C. movement of sodium into the nerve cell.
D. maintenance of the resting membrane potential.

3. Drugs or diseases that impair the function of the extrapyramidal system may cause loss of
A. sensations of pain and temperature.
B. regulation of the autonomic nervous system.
C. integration of somatic and special sensory inputs.
D. automatic movements associated with skeletal muscle activity.

4. An obstruction of the anterior cerebral arteries will affect functions of
A. visual imaging.
B. balance and coordination.
C. judgment, insight, and reasoning.
D. visual and auditory integration for language comprehension.

5. Paralysis of lateral gaze indicates a lesion of cranial nerve
A. II.
C. IV.
D. VI.

6. A result of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system is
A. dilation of skin blood vessels.
B. increased secretion of insulin.
C. increased blood glucose levels.
D. relaxation of the urinary sphincters.

7. Assessment of muscle strength of older adults cannot be compared with that of younger adults because
A. stroke is more common in older adults.
B. nutritional status is better in young adults.
C. most young people exercise more than older people.
D. aging leads to a decrease in muscle bulk and strength.

8. Data regarding mobility, strength, coordination, and activity tolerance are important for the nurse to obtain because
A. many neurologic diseases affect one or more of these areas.
B. patients are less able to identify other neurologic impairments.
C. these are the first functions to be affected by neurologic disease.
D. aspects of movement are the most important functions of the nervous system.

9. During neurologic testing the patient is able to perceive pain elicited by pinprick. Based on this finding, the nurse may omit testing for
A. position sense.
B. patellar reflexes.
C. temperature perception.
D. heel-to-shin movements.

10. A patient’s eyes jerk as they follow the nurse’s moving finger. The nurse records this finding as
A. nystagmus.
B. normal tracking.
C. ophthalmoplegia.
D. ophthalmic dyskinesia.

11. Nursing responsibilities for lumbar puncture include
A. ensuring the patient has a full bladder.
B. placing the patient in the lateral recumbent position.
C. straightening the patient’s legs just before the puncture.
D. having the patient cough when the needle has been inserted.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1c, 2d, 3d, 4c, 5b, 6b, 7d, 8a, 9c, 10a, 11b
The website answers incorrectly states the answer to #11 is a. See page 1487.