Sunday, September 11, 2005

N4 - test - Seizures

Good short descriptions of different types of seizures, meds and interventions.
Click on pdf version
answers in comments

Which statement is correct about partial seizures?
a. They may be simple or complex.
b. They involve the whole brain.
c. They may be convulsive or nonconvulsive.
d. They never progress to generalized seizures.

An aura refers to the
a. nonconvulsive state of an absence seizure.
b. seizure activity.
c. period immediately following the seizure.
d. sensory experiences that precede a seizure.

Characteristics of a simple partial seizure involving the temporal lobe include
a. loss of consciousness.
b. an easily identified seizure focus.
c. a short ictus phase.
d. a speech impairment.

What type of simple partial seizure is likely to cause a warm feeling down one side of the body?
a. parietal lobe seizure
b. occipital lobe seizure
c. frontal lobe seizure
d. temporal lobe seizure

Which statement is correct about absence seizures?
a. They commonly affect adolescents and young adults.
b. A patient can experience several hundred seizures a day.
c. A warning sign usually precedes the seizure.
d. Early intervention is possible because the seizures are easily recognized.

Which statement best describes myoclonic seizures?
a. They begin gradually and progress to irregular jerking of a muscle group.
b. They involve only the muscle groups of upper and lower extremities.
c. They last more than 30 seconds.
d. They're more commonly experienced by the elderly and children.

Which statement best describes the tonic activity of a tonic-clonic seizure?
a. The patient's arms are flexed and legs extended.
b. The patient's arms are extended and legs flexed.
c. The muscle groups alternate contracting and relaxing.
d. Seizure activity frequently goes unnoticed.

During the tonic phase of a tonic-clonic seizure, you may observe
a. normal regular respirations.
b. back extension.
c. dry, pale skin.
d. dilated pupils.

During the tonic phase of a tonic-clonic seizure, the patient usually is
a. tachycardic and hypertensive.
b. bradycardic and hypertensive.
c. tachycardic and hypotensive.
d. bradycardic and hypotensive.

During the clonic phase of a tonic-clonic seizure
a. muscle contractions start at about eight spasms per second.
b. muscle spasms intensify.
c. periods of muscle relaxation progressively lengthen.
d. muscles become flaccid and the patient awakens.

Which statement is correct about diagnosing epilepsy?
a. Definitive diagnosis is possible with an EEG even without seizure activity.
b. An EEG should be done within 24 hours of a suspected seizure.
c. Lab and imaging studies are always necessary.
d. A diagnostic EEG takes as little as 10 minutes.

What is the most common cause for recurrent seizures in patients taking antiseizure drugs?
a. using only a single drug
b. nonadherence to drug regimen
c. initiating therapy with low drug doses
d. concomitant use of over-the-counter drugs

A temporal lobectomy may be indicated for intractable
a. absence seizures.
b. tonic-clonic seizures.
c. simple partial seizures.
d. complex partial seizures.

Which statement is correct about seizure control with electrical stimulation?
a. The vagal nerve stimulator device is external.
b. Treatment may cause memory loss and language difficulties.
c. It's indicated for patients who don't want to take medication.
d. Intermittent stimulation of the left vagal nerve aborts a seizure.

Which drugs are considered adjunct therapy for partial seizures?
a. gabapentin and topiramate
b. carbamazepine and felbamate
c. lamotrigine and valproic acid
d. phenytoin and gabapentin

Which antiseizure drugs have the potential to cause blood cell abnormalities?
a. gabapentin and lamotrigine
b. phenytoin and topiramate
c. carbamazepine and felbamate
d. valproic acid and gabapentin

Which antiseizure drugs are potentially harmful to the liver?
a. valproic acid and felbamate
b. carbamazepine and gabapentin
c. lamotrigine and phenytoin
d. topiramate and lamotrigine

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1a, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6d, 7a, 8d, 9a, 10c, 11b, 12b, 13d, 14d, 15a, 16c, 17a