Sunday, September 11, 2005

N4 - test - Stroke - Chapter 56

Med Surg
NCLEX Examination Review Questions Chapter 56

1. Of the following patients, the nurse recognizes that the one with the highest risk for a stroke is
A. an obese 45-year-old Native American.
B. a 35-year-old Asian American woman who smokes.
C. a 32-year-old white woman taking oral contraceptives.
D. a 65-year-old African American man with hypertension.

2. The factor related to cerebral blood flow that most often determines the extent of cerebral damage from a stroke is the
A. amount of cardiac output.
B. oxygen content of the blood.
C. degree of collateral circulation.
D. level of carbon dioxide in the blood.

3. Information provided by the patient that would help differentiate a hemorrhagic stroke from a thrombotic stroke includes
A. sensory disturbance.
B. a history of hypertension.
C. presence of motor weakness.
D. sudden onset of severe headache.

4. A patient with right-sided hemiplegia and aphasia resulting from a stroke most likely has involvement of the
A. brainstem.
B. vertebral artery.
C. left middle cerebral artery.
D. right middle cerebral artery.

5. The nurse explains to the patient with a stroke who is scheduled for angiography that this test is used to determine the
A. presence of increased ICP.
B. site and size of the infarction.
C. presence of blood in the cerebrospinal fluid.
D. patency of the cerebral blood vessels.

6. A patient experiencing TIAs is scheduled for a carotid endarterectomy. The nurse explains that this procedure is done to
A. decrease cerebral edema.
B. reduce the brain damage that occurs during a stroke in evolution.
C. prevent a stroke by removing atherosclerotic plaques blocking cerebral blood flow.
D. provide a circulatory bypass around thrombotic plaques obstructing cranial circulation.

7. Nursing management of the patient with hemiplegia during the acute phase of a stroke includes
A. restricting active movement.
B. positioning each joint higher than the proximal joint.
C. performing passive range of motion on all limbs every 4 hours.
D. maintaining the patient in a recumbent, side-lying position.

8. Bladder training in a male patient who has urinary incontinence after a stroke includes
A. limiting fluid intake.
B. keeping a urinal in place at all times.
C. assisting the patient to stand to void.
D. catheterizing the patient every 4 hours.

9. The most common response of the stroke patient to the change in body image is
A. denial.
B. depression.
C. disassociation.
D. intellectualization.


Bonnie Boss said...

1d, 2c, 3d, 4c, 5d, 6c, 7b, 8c, 9b

Unknown said...
