Friday, September 09, 2005

N5 - test - Is your patient depressed?

Informative article, condensed info, just the facts, covers drugs and therapies.
Answers in comments

Which statement is correct about depression?
a. Annually less than 2 million Americans experience depression.
b. Twice as many women as men suffer from depression.
c. Older adults are at low risk for depression.
d. Suicide occurs in 25% of those who have major depression.

What percentage of Americans with depression receive health care from providers who don't specialize in mental health?
a. less than 10%
b. 20% to 30%
c. 40% to 60%
d. more than 70%

A patient with major depression is unlikely to exhibit which behavior?
a. meticulous attention to appearance
b. psychomotor retardation
c. indecisiveness
d. feelings of helplessness

Which statement is correct about assessing suicide risk?
a. A history of family member suicide isn't a risk factor.
b. Direct questioning about suicide ideation increases the risk.
c. A patient who describes a suicide plan is at risk.
d. A patient who has a history of substance abuse is less likely to attempt suicide.

The most effective treatment for major depression is
a. psychotherapy alone.
b. antidepressant drugs alone.
c. psychotherapy and antidepressant drugs.
d. antipsychotic drugs alone.

Benefits of drug therapy for depression include all of the following except
a. reduced coping strategies.
b. improved concentration.
c. increased motivation.
d. reduced relapses.

Which statement is correct about CBT?
a. Family members are never included
b. It's more effective for those suffering from anxiety than from depression.
c. It places less emphasis on learning coping behaviors.
d. It focuses on changing distorted thinking processes causing illness.

Which statement is correct about dysthymic disorder?
a. It's more severe and disabling than major depression.
b. It's a persistently depressed mood lasting at least 2 years.
c. It often occurs following a major depression.
d. It never occurs concurrently with major depression.

Which statement is correct about seasonal affective disorder?
a. It occurs more often in men than women.
b. It's manifested by insomnia and extra energy.
c. It responds to bright-light therapy.
d. It's not treated with antidepressant drugs.

During a hypomanic phase of bipolar disorder a patient is less likely to exhibit
a. delusions.
b. elevated mood.
c. irritability.
d. expansive mood.

Which statement is correct about drug therapy for treating bipolar disorder?
a. Anticonvulsant drugs are successful as adjunct therapy only with antidepressant drugs.
b. Atypical antipsychotic and anxiolytic drugs may be indicated during acute manic episodes.
c. Lithium and anticonvulsant drugs exert therapeutic effects within 1 week of initiating therapy.
d. Mood-stabilizing drugs can be safely administered to pregnant women.

Social rhythm therapy for those with bipolar disorder emphasizes
a. developing social skills.
b. learning coping strategies.
c. maintaining regular routines.
d. improving communication skills.

Which statement is correct about postpartum depressive disorders?
a. Less than one-third of new mothers experience postpartum blues.
b. Nonpsychotic postpartum depression may occur up to 6 months after delivery.
c. Psychotic postpartum depression usually occurs 3 months or more after delivery.
d. Premenstrual mood disorders don't increase the risk of postpartum depressive disorders.

Which antidepressant treats depression and its associated anxiety and sleep disturbances?
a. mirtazapine (Remeron)
b. bupropion (Wellbutrin)
c. fluoxetine (Prozac)
d. venlafaxine (Effexor)

Which antimanic drug requires monitoring for signs of renal toxicity?
a. valproic acid
b. lamotrigine
c. topiramate
d. lithium carbonate

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5a, 6d, 7d, 8a, 9c, 10a, 11c, 12a, 13b, 14b, 15d