Saturday, October 01, 2005

N4 test Anatomy and Physiology of Bones and Joints

Study Questions Chapter 67: Anatomy and Physiology of Bones and Joints
Price: Pathophysiology, 6th Edition

1. The major component of the musculoskeletal system consists of:
A.Specialized tissues that connect bone structures
B. Connective tissue
C. Joints
D. Bones

2. Which of the following are characteristics of bone?
A. Provides the supporting and protective framework for the body's skeletal system
B. Major tissue components are collagen and proteoglycans
C. Composed of supportive, rigid connective tissue referred to as apatite
D. Is uniform in nature

3. Which of the following best describes the periosteum?
A. It is a region of longitudinal growth in children.
B. It is a heavy, fibrous band attached to the flared end of bone.
C. It is mainly composed of cortical tissue.
D. It contains proliferating cells that contribute to transverse growth of bone.

4. Which of the following cells are responsible for building bone by forming type I collagen and proteoglycans?
A. Osteoblasts
B. Osteocytes
C. Osteoclasts

5. Which of the following is an example of a truly movable joint?
A. Diarthrodial (synovial)
B. Synarthrodial (fibrous)
C. Cartilaginous

6. An example of a synarthrodial (fibrous) joint is:
A. A skull suture
B. The synovium
C. The symphysis pubis
D. An intervertebral disk

7. The function of ligaments is to:
A. Attach muscle to bone
B. Cover the surface of bones
C. Hold bones together at joints
D. Cover tendons that pass through joints

8. The load-bearing portions of the bones in synovial joints are covered with:
A. Synovial fluid
B. Hyaline cartilage
C. Fibrocartilage
D. Fascia

9. Which of the following contains the richest blood supply to the joint?
A. Articular cartilage
B. Synovium
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Serous membrane

10. The fibers in the connective tissue ground substance that are found in ligaments, walls of larger blood vessels, and skin are referred to as:
A. Elastin
B. Collagen
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b

11. Which of the following is responsible for the synthesis of collagen fibers?
A. Fibroblasts
B. Proteolytic enzymes
C. Polysaccharides
D. Elastin

12. The function of proteoglycans in articular cartilage is to:
A. Allow full joint motion
B. Distribute weight loads
C. Lubricate the cartilage

13. In young children, epiphyseal fractures involving the area of provisional calcification most likely will result in: (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Retardation of longitudinal bone growth
B. Hypertrophy of collagen fibers in the diaphysis
C. Obliterated nerve supply to the diaphysis
D. Progressive deformity of the involved limb

14. The cells that develop and remain in connective tissue are: (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Mast cells
B. Plasma cells
C. Fibroblasts
D. Osteoblasts

15. Pain from the synovium tends to be localized.
True False

16. Autonomic and sensory nerves in the ligaments, joint capsule, and synovium account for the sensitivity of these structures to position and motion.
True False

17. The mucin clot test is most effective with the more inflammatory fluids.
True False

18. Type I collagen is primarily responsible for the deposition of calcium and phosphate in the bone matrix.
True False

19. Articular cartilage in the adult has a blood supply, lymphatic channels, and nerves.
True False

20. Osteoporosis is a reduction in bone mass and is caused by an increase of bone resorption over bone formation.
True False

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2a, 3d, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11a, 12b, 13ad, 14cd, 15F, 16T, 17F, 18T, 19F, 20T