Saturday, October 01, 2005

N4 test Chapter 60 musc Skel stuff

NCLEX Examination Review Questions Chapter 60

1. The bone cells that function in the breakdown of bone tissue (resorption) are called
A. osteoids.
B. osteocytes.
C. osteoclasts.
D. osteoblasts.

2. While performing passive range of motion for a patient, the nurse puts a hinge joint through the movements of
A. rotation.
B. flexion and extension.
C. flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.
D. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circumduction.

3. The nurse teaches a patient with a leg immobilized in traction to prevent muscle atrophy in the affected leg by performing
A. twitch contractions.
B. tetanic contractions.
C. isotonic contractions.
D. isometric contractions.

4. A patient with bursitis of the shoulder asks the nurse what the bursa does. The nurse’s response is based on the knowledge that bursae
A. connect bone to bone.
B. separate muscle from muscle.
C. lubricate joints with synovial fluid.
D. relieve friction between moving parts.

5. The decreased agility found during assessment of the older adult is caused by the age-related change of
A. decrease in bone mass.
B. erosion of articular cartilage.
C. loss of elasticity in ligaments and cartilage.
D. decrease in number and diameter of muscle cells.

6. While obtaining subjective assessment data related to the musculoskeletal system, it is particularly important for the nurse to ask about family history in the patient with
A. osteomyelitis.
B. osteomalacia.
C. low back pain.
D. rheumatoid arthritis.

7. When grading muscle strength, the nurse records a score of 2, indicating
A. active movement against gravity.
B. a barely detectable flicker of contraction.
C. active movement with elimination of gravity.
D. active movement against full resistance without evident fatigue.

8. A normal assessment finding of the musculoskeletal system is
A. muscle strength of 4.
B. a lateral curvature of the spine.
C. angulation of bone toward midline.
D. simultaneous occurrence of stance and swing phase of gait.

9. A patient is scheduled for an electromyogram. The nurse explains that this diagnostic test involves
A. placement of thin needles into the muscles.
B. placement of electrodes on the skin to record electrical activity of muscles.
C. measurement of the heat of muscle contractions radiating from the skin surface.
D. administration of a calculated dose of radioisotope 2 hours before the procedure.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1c, 2b, 3d, 4d, 5c, 6d, 7c, 8d, 9a