Tuesday, October 04, 2005

N4 test Differences between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Answers will be posted by me later unless someone wants to posts first.

RA—systemic disease
OA—involves only the joints
RA—morning stiffness lasts for 1 hour or more
OA—morning stiffness lasts for 30 minutes or less
RA—the pattern of arthritis is symmetrical, involving joints on both sides of the body
OA—the pattern may be asymmetrical, involving only one side of the body
RA—the pattern of joint involvement of the hands is characteristic; it involves the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpal joints
OA—characteristically, distal interphalangeal and the proximal interphalangeal joints of the hands are involved, with the presence of Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes
RA—swollen joints
OA—bony enlargement of the joints
RA—treatment involves disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs
OA—treatment involves managing symptoms
RA—no cure
OA—no cure

Which of these individuals is at increased risk of osteoarthritis of the shoulders?
a. a 22-year-old Olympic swimmer
b. a 42-year-old jackhammer operator
c. a 52-year-old former baseball pitcher

Which of these manifestations should you expect to assess in a patient who has osteoarthritis of the knees?
a. pain that occurs when the patient is sitting
b. pain that occurs when the knees are dependent
c. pain that's intermittent and relieved by rest

Which of these deformities is associated with osteoarthritis?
a. squared-off deformity of the hand
b. clubbing of the fingers
c. edema of the palms

Which of these activities can trigger pain in a patient who has osteoarthritis?
a. crossing the legs
b. prolonged sitting
c. climbing stairs

Which of these diagnostic tests will provide evidence of osteoarthritis?
a. complete blood cell count
b. X-ray of the affected joint
c. biopsy of the affected limb

Which of these instructions should you give to a patient who's diagnosed with osteoarthritis?
a. "Lose weight if you're overweight."
b. "Limit daily physical activity."
c. "Avoid any salt intake."

Which of these activities should you recommend for a patient who has osteoarthritis of the hips and knees?
a. skiing
b. swimming/aquatic exercise
c. long-distance running

A patient who's taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) should be monitored for
a. hypotension.
b. hyperpyrexia.
c. internal bleeding.

Tramadol is contraindicated in which of these patients?
a. a patient who can't take NSAIDs
b. a patient who doesn't experience pain relief from acetaminophen
c. a patient with a history of seizures

Instruct a patient who's taking oxycodone for osteoarthritis to
a. take a stool softener daily.
b. limit her daily fluid intake.
c. take this medication before arising each morning.

Which of these measures would reduce muscle spasms associated with osteoarthritis?
a. splinting the joint
b. applying ice
c. rubbing the affected area vigorously

Which of these antibodies, if present in a patient, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis?
a. HLA-DR4 antibody
b. hyaluric acid
c. capsaicin

When assessing a patient for rheumatoid arthritis, you should look for
a. symmetric joint swelling.
b. decreased peripheral pulses.
c. increased pain with movement.

Extra-articular symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include
a. asthma.
b. pleurisy.
c. emphysema.

Which of these laboratory tests would indicate an inflammatory response in a patient who has rheumatoid arthritis?
a. complete blood count
b. rheumatoid factor
c. erythrocyte sedimentation rate

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1C, 2C, 3A, 4C, 5B, 6A, 7B, 8C, 9C, 10A, 11B, 12A, 13A, 14B, 15C