Tuesday, October 04, 2005

N4 test Fractures, Care and Traction

Getting a fix on orthopedic care

Current treatments for orthopedic problems have led to
a. longer immobility.
b. faster recovery.
c. longer hospital stays.
d. weeks of traction.

Which statement correctly describes Buck’s traction?
a. It’s used for 8 to 10 weeks before internal fixation.
b. It’s a type of skin traction.
c. It’s used for internal fixation before anatomic reduction.
d. It’s a type of skeletal traction.

Pain management interventions for a patient in skin traction include
a. muscle relaxants.
b. epidural analgesia.
c. heat applications.
d. range-of-motion exercises to the affected extremity.

After open reduction/open fixation for a nondisplaced femoral neck fracture, limit weight bearing on that side for at least
a. 2 weeks.
b. 4 weeks.
c. 5 weeks.
d. 6 weeks.

A hip prosthesis may be less risky than applying screws and nails in a frail patient with evidence of
a. severe muscle atrophy.
b. delirium.
c. severe osteoporosis.
d. pulmonary compromise.

Which statement about skeletal traction for hip fracture is correct?
a. It’s used when surgery is too risky for the patient.
b. It’s indicated only for nondisplaced femoral neck fractures.
c. It’s no longer used to treat hip fractures.
d. It’s commonly used to treat hip fractures.

In skeletal traction, infection of the pin tract could lead to
a. DVT.
b. PE.
c. osteomyelitis.
d. dorsal bone angulation.

What’s the first sign of compartment syndrome?
a. motor weakness
b. worsening pain despite repeated doses of analgesia and immobilization
c. sensory deficits
d. absence of a pulse

When tapping over the median nerve causes tingling in a patient with Colles’ fracture, suspect
a. ulnar nerve compression.
b. flexor tendon injury.
c. acute carpal tunnel syndrome.
d. ulnar nerve contusion.

Which statement about external rigid fixation is correct?
a. It involves multiple surgeries.
b. It allows fractures to heal by secondary union.
c. It confines the patient to long-term traction.
d. It provides easy access to the wound.

Celecoxib is classified as a newer
a. muscle relaxant.
b. opioid analgesic.
c. COX-2 inhibitor.
d. corticosteroid.

Polyethylene hip prostheses are supposed to last up to
a. 5 years.
b. 10 years.
c. 15 years.
d. 20 years.

What range should the patient’s international normalized ratio reach after hip replacement surgery before he discontinues low-molecular-weight heparin?
a. 1 to 2
b. 2 to 3
c. 3 to 4
d. 4 to 5

Which statement correctly describes blood loss in hip replacement surgery today?
a. Significant blood loss is rare with this type of surgery.
b. Blood from volunteers is the only replacement option.
c. Autologous blood avoids the risk of transfusion reactions.
d. The use of an autotransfusion device is contraindicated.

Which method is used to repair Colles’ fracture?
a. arthroscopy
b. external fixation
c. prosthetic replacement
d. internal fixation

A total hip replacement is also known as total hip
a. arthroscopy.
b. arthrotomy.
c. arthrectomy.
d. arthroplasty.

What does Colles’ fracture involve?
a. fracture through the distal radial epiphysis
b. ulnar displacement
c. anterior cruciate ligament injury
d. ventral angulation

A torn ACL involves the
a. shoulder.
b. elbow.
c. knee.
d. ankle.

Arthroscopic repair of an ACL tear
a. takes more than 5 hours.
b. leaves heavy scarring.
c. requires a postoperative partial weight-bearing air cast splint.
d. requires postoperative exercises to strengthen the quadriceps and calf muscles.

When you care for the pins on an external fixator device,
a. avoid cleaning the area around each pin.
b. avoid using sterile 0.9% sodium chloride as a cleaning solution.
c. perform pin care no more than once a day.
d. check each pin site for signs and symptoms of infection.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2b, 3a, 4d, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9c, 10d, 11c, 12d, 13b, 14c, 15b, 16d, 17a, 18c, 19d, 20d