Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Male problems

Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care, 4th Edition

Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter 76: Interventions for Male Clients with Reproductive Problems

1.     Which clinical manifestation in an older male client is associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

A.     Chronic low back pain extending down the legs
B.     Difficulty maintaining an erection
C.     Difficulty initiating urination
D.     Thinning pubic hair

Correct Answer: C

2.     Which statement made by a client with benign prostatic hyperplasia indicates a need for clarification regarding nonsurgical management of this problem? “I will:

A.     drink at least a liter of fluid at every meal.”
B.     avoid drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages.”
C.     try to urinate as soon as I am aware of the urge.”
D.     check with my doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications for colds.”

Correct Answer: A

3.     The client is returned to the nursing unit after a transurethral resection prostatectomy (TURP). You observe the Foley catheter to be draining blood-tinged urine containing small clots. What is your best action?

A.     Notify the physician.
B.     Increase the IV flow rate.
C.     Release the traction on the catheter.
D.     Document the observation as the only action.

Correct Answer: D

4.     Which client should have follow-up testing for possible prostate cancer?

A.     55-year-old man with a PSA of 3.5 ng/mL
B.     75-year-old man with a PSA of 3.5 ng/mL
C.     55-year-old man with a PSA of 4.5 ng/mL
D.     75-year-old man with a PSA of 4.5 ng/mL

Correct Answer: C

5.     The client who is taking estrogen for prostate cancer tells you he is experiencing all of the following symptoms. Which one alerts you to the possibility of complications?

A.     Bilateral breast tenderness and swelling
B.     Swelling of the right leg
C.     Decreased facial hair
D.     Mood swings

Correct Answer: B

6.     For which clients experiencing impotence is the drug Viagra contraindicated? Those clients:

A.     with erectile dysfunction
B.     with diabetes mellitus
C.     taking nitroglycerin
D.     over age 70 years

Correct Answer: C

7.     Which group of men has the highest risk for prostate cancer?

A.     Asian-American men
B.     African-American men
C.     Native American men
D.     Caucasian-American men

Correct Answer: B

8.     Which client with testicular cancer is considered a poor candidate for sperm banking? The client who:

A.     is gay.
B.     is 46 years old.
C.     has a seminoma.
D.     has started radiation therapy.

Correct Answer: D

9.     What is the priority nursing diagnosis/collaborative problem during the first 24 hours for the client who has had an orchiectomy and radical retroperitoneal lymph node dissection?

A.     Acute pain
B.     Risk for infection
C.     Risk for metastasis
D.     Body image disturbance

Correct Answer: A

10.     Which statement from the client who is going home after a unilateral orchiectomy for testicular cancer indicates a need for further teaching during the first two postoperative weeks? “I:

A.     am going to lift weights to regain my strength faster.”
B.     am going to perform TSE on the other side monthly.”
C.     will check the incision at least twice each day for drainage.”
D.     will limit stair-climbing to once per day until my doctor says it is okay.”

Correct Answer: A

11.     Which clinical manifestation in a client with testicular discomfort indicates a possible varicocele?

A.     The skin of the scrotum is wrinkled.
B.     The left testicle is about an inch lower than the right testicle.
C.     The client has noticed an increase in the size of the scrotal contents.
D.     Spongy, cord-like or worm-like structures are palpated through the scrotum.

Correct Answer: D

12.     The client is a 28-year-old man diagnosed with testicular cancer who is two days postoperative from a bilateral orchiectomy. Every time a young female nurse enters his room, the client makes remarks about how he would like to have sex with her. What is your best action?

A.     Explain to the client that the nurse is already married.
B.     Report the behavior to the head nurse and request that the nurse’s assignment be changed.
C.     Ask the client if he is worried about how the disease and surgery might affect his future sexual activity.
D.     Tell the client that if the behavior continues the nurse will note his inappropriate behavior in his chart.

Correct Answer: C

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