Sunday, November 06, 2005

Nursing Blogs

This blog has lots of practice tests and more. Check it out.
Practice tests and more
I found the above blog link, on the following blog, so check this one out too. Whatever you find helpful, post it for the rest of us! There is too much information and helps for one person to sort through, but as a team, we can help each other.

1 comment:

HypnoKitten said...

If any of you start your own blog and would like to have it listed at Mediblogopathy under the Student Nurse Blogs link, just let me know.

Usually I can tell when people put up a link to me, so no, I'm not psychic! ;)

There are a lot of links to other student nurse blogs there too - you can read when others are going through. Hopefully soon I'll have a way to track new posts on student nurse blogs (like I do for NurseBlogs), so you can see who's got new stuff up.