Sunday, December 11, 2005

N4 neuro and cranial nerves quiz
Equilibrium, posture, and muscle tone are controlled by the
a. medulla.
b. midbrain.
c. pons.
d. cerebellum.

Which lobe of the cerebrum controls hearing?
a. frontal
b. temporal
c. parietal
d. occipital

Patients who have upper motor neuron lesions are likely to have
a. spasticity.
b. areflexia.
c. weakness.
d. flaccidity.

The most common way to attempt to elicit a response to painful stimuli is
a. an Achilles squeeze
b. a trapezius squeeze
c. a sternal rub
d. supraorbital pressure

Typically, the highest possible Glasgow Coma Scale score a comatose patient would have is
a. 5
b. 8
c. 12
d. 15

A key element of Cushing’s Triad is
a. increasing diastolic blood pressure.
b. tachycardia.
c. decreasing systolic blood pressure.
d. an irregular breathing pattern.

Touching the cornea with a wisp of cotton would normally elicit which response?
a. blinking of both eyes
b. pupillary constriction
c. lacrimation
d. rhythmic eye movement

A pronator drift of the left arm indicates mild
a. spasticity.
b. atrophy.
c. hemiparesis.
d. rigidity.

Decerebrate posturing is characterized by
a. plantar extension.
b. upper extremity pronation.
c. lower extremity flexion.
d. finger extension.

A normal response to stimulation from the outer heel to the ball of the foot would be
a. curling of the toes.
b. fanning out of the toes.
c. upper movement of the great toe.
d. no movement of the toes.

Absence of the gag reflex indicates damage to which cranial nerve(s)?
a. 3, 4, and 6
b. 7
c. 9 and 10
d. 12

Checking deep tendon reflexes includes assessment of all of the following except the
a. biceps.
b. brachioradialis.
c. patellar.
d. quadriceps.

The oculocephalic reflex is elicited by
a. applying ice water to the tympanic membrane.
b. rotating the head with the eyelids held open.
c. opening the eyelid and flashing light at the eye.
d. pressing gently on the eyeball with the eyelid closed.

A normal oculovestibular reflex is
a. deviation of both eyes toward the stimulus.
b. the eyes remaining fixed on the same point.
c. pupillary constriction.
d. rapid, rhythmic eye movement.

Shallow, irregular breathing that stops and starts is called
a. Biot’s.
b. Kussmaul.
c. Cheyne-Stokes.
d. apneustic.

A breathing pattern characterized by a prolonged inspiratory hold indicates damage to the
a. medulla.
b. brainstem.
c. pons.
d. cerebral cortex.

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