Friday, January 06, 2006

N4, N7 Recognizing Anemia

Another test from the Nursing Center
Which of the following statements is true about anemia?
a. The prevalence of anemia increases with age.
b. Women have a higher incidence of anemia postmenopause.
c. In the United States, anemia affects more men than women.
d. The incidence is approximately the same in countries around the world.
The function of reticulin is to
a. assist the liver in manufacturing RBCs.
b. destroy RBCs after 120 days.
c. help create erythroid precursors.
d. mature reticulocytes into RBCs.
After RBCs die, hemoglobin (Hb) is ultimately broken down by the
a. bone marrow.
b. gallbladder and pancreas.
c. kidneys.
d. liver and spleen.
Globulin is broken down into
a. amino acids.
b. bilirubin.
c. iron.
d. glucose.
The most common type of anemia worldwide is
a. folic acid deficiency anemia.
b. iron deficiency anemia.
c. sickle cell anemia.
d. thalassemia.
Hypochromic anemia refers to a
a. Hb concentration that is too high.
b. Hb concentration that is too low.
c. problem in which the RBC is too large.
d. problem in which the RBC is too small.
Iron deficiency anemia can cause
a. burning sensation of the tongue.
b. loss of proprioception.
c. pagophagia.
d. premature graying of the hair.
One symptom of B12 deficiency is
a. dementia.
b. facial puffiness and edema.
c. steatorrhea.
d. loss of the lateral third of the eyebrows.
In sickle cell disease, an acute chest syndrome that mimics pneumonia is usually due to
a. chronic sternum and joint pain.
b. fat embolization due to bone marrow infarction in the ribs.
c. hepatic dysfunction.
d. myocardial infarction.
Which type of anemia is generally responsible for pancytopenia?
a. aplastic anemia
b. folic acid deficiency
c. G6PD deficiency
d. iron deficiency
In iron deficiency anemia, laboratory test results would show
a. decreased serum folate level and normal mean corpuscular hemoglobin volume (MCHC).
b. increased mean corpuscle volume (MCV) and peripheral blood smear with spherocytes.
c. decreased serum ferritin level and increased total iron binding capacity (TIBC).
d. decreased serum iron level and TIBC.
The Schilling's test can determine if a patient can appropriately
a. absorb vitamin B12.
b. bind Hb with oxygen.
c. excrete bilirubin from the body.
d. utilize iron stores.
After iron deficiency anemia is resolved, oral iron replacement should be continued for
a. 1 to 2 weeks.
b. 4 to 6 weeks.
c. 3 to 4 months.
d. 6 to 8 months.
Priorities of treatment for sickle cell anemia include each of the following except
a. good hydration.
b. splenectomy.
c. pain relief.
d. treating infections early.
Which of the following can safely be prescribed for a patient who has G6PD deficiency?
a. amoxicillin
b. benzene
c. nitrofurantoin
d. sulfonamides
Following splenectomy, patients should receive
a. bone marrow aspirations annually.
b. ferrous sulfate 325 mg t.i.d. with meals for life.
c. B12 injections of 1,000 mcg monthly.
d. pneumonia vaccine immunizations every 5 years.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1a, 2d, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9d, 10a, 11c, 12a, 13c, 14b, 15a, 16d,