Sunday, January 29, 2006

N7 Shock

Shock is a life-threatening response to alterations in:

A. Circulation
B. Elimination
C. Mentation
D. Respiration
Large volume crystalloid infusion for hypovolemia can be accomplished with which of the following infusions?

A. 5% dextrose
B. Albumin
C. Hespan
D. Normal saline
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is administered to replace:

A. Clotting factors
B. Erythrocytes
C. Leukocytes
D. Platelets
In distributive shock, the major physiological problem causing the shock is:

A. Blood loss and actual hypovolemia
B. Decreased cardiac output
C. Third spacing of fluids into peritoneal space
D. Vasodilation and relative hypovolemia
A primary goal in all shock states is to:

A. Ensure adequate cellular hydration
B. Maintain adequate tissue perfusion
C. Prevent third spacing of fluids
D. Support mechanical ventilation
One of the greatest infection risks for critically ill patients who require mechanical ventilations is the development of _____________ pneumonia.

7.________ is the systemic response to infection manifested by two or more of the symptoms noted with systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

Elderly patients who are taking selected medications such as _____________ have a decreased ability to increase heart rate in the initial phase of shock.

In ____________ shock, nasal congestion, hoarseness, and dysphonia are common because of upper airway obstruction from edema of the larynx, epiglottis, or vocal cords.

Match each description to the correct term related to shock and sepsis.
1. Anaphylactic
2. Cardiogenic
3. Compensatory
4. Distributive
5. Drotrecogin alfa
6. Neurogenic
7. Obstructive
8. Progressive
9. Refractory

A. A drug utilized in severe sepsis, which is an anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and profibrinolytic

B. Shock resulting from a severe allergic reaction

C. Shock resulting in blockage of the sympathetic nervous system leading to vasodilation and bradycardia

D. Shock that occurs as a result of obstruction to adequate circulatory flow in the heart or great vessels

E. Shock that occurs as a result of the failure of the heart to pump effectively

F. Stage of shock in which systemic and microcirculation work in opposition and compensatory mechanisms no longer function

G. Stage of shock resulting from prolonged inadequate tissue perfusion and ultimately contributes to multiple organ failure and death

H. Stage of shock where the body is attempting to compensate for sustained reduction in cardiac output

I. The commonality in this shock is widespread vasodilation with a decrease in stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1a,2d,3a,4d,5b,6 ventilator-associated,7 sepsis,8 beta-blockers,9 anaphylactic,10 a-5,b-1,c-6,d-7,e-2,f-8,g-9,h-3,i-4