Monday, January 30, 2006

N6 Heads Up for N7

As for N7, I LOVE THIS CLASS!!!! and Mrs. Antaran. She is a very good lecturer. I wish that I could take it for the whole semester and skip N6. ICU is a blast and I don't want to leave. This class focuses in on the pathophys of the disease process (my favorite). It's not bad. If you feel shaky on it, look in your phsio book or better yet, look in Thelan's Critical Care Nursing book and the pathophys book. She is going by the syllabus. Buy it ahead of time and learn page 33 It is the stress response. She calls this her gift to the nursing program.
Come to Caralee's study sessions on Tuesdays from 1115(30) to 1230. Ask Caralee how to pathomap. Look in the N101 under N7 for stuff to learn and print out ahead of time. Learn any meds that are mentioned in the syllabus.
If you want to study ahead, brush up on shock, the stress response and your heart stuff. Knowing the numbers for pressures are going to be a big thing in this class. ICP pressure, Central venous pressures, etc. I am in trouble there (numbers). The students before us said, know your meds. Emergency meds for shock and heart meds etc.
Don't let this class scare you. Take it one day at a time.
The only warning is, DON'T GET BEHIND.
The more that you have learned ahead of time, the more you will be relaxed. Practice NCLEX Tests from Saunders and other practice books. Keep checking out the test bank for new additions. I tend to hide new tests in past months, but I post all of the links into the test bank. Look at outlines. Practice your drug calculations and IV drip rates.
Are there any other N7ers that will add to this?

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