Tuesday, January 31, 2006

PDA PARTY!!!!!!!!

Please come to the first ever nursing PDA party!
Wednesday, 1600 - 1700ish in Locke 314!
I know this is last minute, but please get the word out. If you have a PDA or are thinking of getting one, this is the meeting for you. PDAs are new to us all. These are the medical items of the future. Hospitals are being rewired to accomodate their use. Some of us have had a couple of semesters head start in learning some of the ropes. I am figuring out new stuff almost every day, so come on and share what you have learned with the rest of us. If you are wondering about which one to get or which programs to put into it, this is the meeting for you.
These are fantastic devices that will help keep you organized with your information at hand.
Bring your questions, your knowledge, your programs, your laptop or anything else that you can think of.
This will be an informal show and share session. Hopefully we will be able to have more of these in the future. Please give your input on how we can make these sessions better. Get the word out to your instructors. Many of them are starting to use handhelds too.
If there is a lot of interest, we will have more of these sessions.

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