Sunday, January 08, 2006

Reminder of Current Posts

You are probably not seeing all of the posts that have been posted this month. You are only looking at the current postings, so you might miss some important info. To see all of the postings that have been posted so far this month, click on the current month in the archive list to the left.

To see all posts for N4 and N5 you need to go back to May, June and July. Lots of helpful stuff was pre-posted, so don't miss out!

To prepare for the more focussed, in depth assessment test, go back to some of the links for January, assessment videos etc.
Don't forget to check out futurenurses blog, (new semester). They got up and blogging faster than we did and have lots of useful info too. Bookmark their page to check out now and then throughout the semester.

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