Tuesday, April 19, 2005

More Practice

Answers posted in the comments.

1. The client asks if she will be able to have visitors while receiving internal radiation therapy for cervical cancer. The best response is that:
a. The threat to others is too great to allow visiting.
b. Visiting is permitted on a limited basis, usually 30 minutes a day.
c. There is no threat to visitors, and therefore no restrictions.
d. Only her husband may visit briefly every 24 hours.

2. What common systemic side effect of chemotherapy will the nurse observe in a client recieving it?
a. Ascites
b. Dysphagia
c. Polycythemia
d. Leukopenia

3. The nurse tells a client that the most appropriate diet to follow the week before surgery to remove a suspected thyroid tumor is one that is:
a. Increased in carbohydrates and protein.
b. Decreased in carbohydrates and increased in protein.
c. Decreased in fat and protein.
d. Increased in fat and decreased in protein.

4. Meperidine (Demerol) has been ordered for a client for the relief of postoperative pain. which assessment finding is a side effect of the agent?
a. respiratory rate of 10 breaths/min.
b. Blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg.
c. Pinpoint pupils.
d. Urine output of 20 mL/hr.

5. Which nonverbal signs observed during an admitting history would indicate a client is experiencing physical discomfort?
a. Hesitancy in answering questions.
b. Clenching fist and wrinkling brow.
c. Smiling after each answer.
d. Leaving to go to the bathroom.

6. The client complains of severe pain after suffering rib, arm, and leg fractures. Which pain medication would the nurse expect to provide the greatest relief?
a. Diazepam (Valium) IV.
b. Morphine Sulphate IV.
c. Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol) IM.
d. Methocarbamol (Robaxin) IM.

7. The nurse should advise a client who is on a salt-restricted diet to avoid eating:
a. Eggs and milk.
b. Potatoes and rice.
c. Apples and plums.
d. Carrots and spinach.

8. The effectiveness of preoperative teaching will be most negatively influenced by:
a. The presence of a significant other during the teacing session.
b. Concern regarding the amount of insurance reimbursement.
c. Prior experience with surgery in family members.
d. Abdominal pain unrelieved by medication.

9. A client's comprehension of and complience with patient teaching for same-day (out-patient) surgery will be most enhanced by:
a. Verbally giving the client instruction during an office visit before the surgery.
b. Providing the client with essential instructions in writing.
c. Telephoning the client after the surgery to review instructions.
d. Showing the client a movie regarding the procedure to reinforce verbal instruction.

10. In which position should the nurse place the arm of a client, after a radical mastectomy of the right breast?
a. Any position of comfort.
b. Close to the chest.
c. Elevated above the heart.
d. Hyperextended to the side.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

These questions are from Lippincott's Med/Surg content at-a-glance book.

1-2 Radiation precautions include time, distance, and shielding; visitors to clients undergoing rad. therapy are protected in terms of the duration of exposure as well as distance from the client.

2-4 Chemotherapeutic agents suppress the body's normal immune response, resulting in a depressed white blood cell count, or leukopenia. This leaves the client vulnerable to infection.

3-1 Because of the increased metabolism in such a client, the caloric and protein intake would need to be high to prevent catabolism (a negative nitrogen balance) before surgery.

4-1 Demerol depresses both the rate and depth of respirations. Demerol a CNS depressant, would tend to lower blood pressure.

5-2 The members of some cultures and ethnic groups are reluctant to complain of pain. Nonverbal clues to tension, such as grimacing or tight fists, may be the only indication of pain.

6-2 Bone pain is considered acute pain, and an opiate such as morphine should be used for relief of moderate to severe bone pain.

7-1 Milk contains the most sodium of the food choices listed. By themselves, eggs are not higher in sodium than spinach.

8-4 A client in pain will not be able to focus on teaching.

9-2 Written information that the client can refer to after surgery is the most effective teaching tool.

10-3 To prevent lymphedema after a mastectomy and removal of the lymph nodes, the arm should be elevated to facilitate lymph drainage.