Monday, April 04, 2005

N2 Test - End of Life Care

Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care, 4th Edition

Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter 9: End-of-Life Care

1. Which intervention is compatible with the goals of end-of-life care?

A. Limiting visitors to reduce the risk for infection.
B. Removing a Foley catheter to promote client comfort.
C. Providing Ensure between meals to promote weight gain.
D. Encouraging the client with congestive heart failure to avoid foods high in sodium.

2. Which of the following represents a major philosophy of the hospice concept?

A. Increasing the survival time for clients with a terminal illness.
B. Relieving families from the burden of custodial care.
C. Ensuring death with dignity for a terminally ill client.
D. Preventing the complications of prolonged bedrest.

3. The family members of a dying client are distressed by the client talking to his brother, who died several years earlier, as if the brother were present in the room with the client. What is your best response?

A. “Ignore any references to the dead brother and redirect the conversation.”
B. “Reinforce that his brother died years ago and cannot possibly be present now.”
C. “Tell the client that he is hallucinating because of the medication.”
D. “Acknowledge that the client sees his brother.”

4. The client with a terminal illness is grimacing and giving other nonverbal indications of pain within an hour and a half of receiving 80 mg of morphine subcutaneously for pain. What is your best action as the home care nurse?

A. Contact the physician immediately about increasing the dose and frequency of pain medication.
B. Hold the next dose of medication to reduce the chances the client will become addicted.
C. Avoid administering the next dose of pain medication early to reduce the risk for respiratory depression.
D. Document the observation and reassess the client’s need for pain control if the problem persists.

5. Why is a pillow placed under the client’s head after death? To:

A. preserve the eyes for organ donation.
B. make insertion of dentures easier.
C. prevent facial discoloration.
D. make the family feel better.

6. Which action constitutes active euthanasia?

A. Discontinuing cancer chemotherapy.
B. Discontinuing mechanical ventilation.
C. Removing a Foley catheter.
D. Requesting a DNR order.

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1b, 2c, 3d, 4a, 5c, 6b