Saturday, April 30, 2005

Qs for E3

The first 6 Qs are from, Mosbys' review Qs for NCLEX-RN
The answers are in the comments. If you want rationale on any, let me know by posting.

1. Because of delayed treatment, a client with hepatitis B (HBV) developed cirrhosis and is admitted to a medical unit. One potential sequela of chronic liver disease is fluid and electrolyte imbalance. The nurse recognizes this may be attributed to a decrease in serum albumin level, which leads to:
A. Hemorrhage and subsequent anemia
B. Diminished resistance to bacterial insult
C. Malnutrition of cells, especially hepatic cells
D: Reduction of colloidal osmotic pressure in the blood

2. An agitated, hyperventilating semicomatose client is brought to the emergency room. The family indicates that they found empty bottles of 100 aspirin tablets and 50 cold tablets and assumes the client took them several hours ago. The client's vital signs are BP 160/100, pulse 140, respirations 40, and temperature 101.5 F. An oral airway is in place. The test considered the most vital in providing information that will guide the emergency treatment for this client would be:
A: A 24-hour urine
B: A blood glucose
C: Serum electrolytes
D: Liver function tests

3. When discussing future meal plans with a client who has hiatus hernia, the nurse asks what beverage the client usually enjoys with meals. The beverage that should be included in the diet when the client is discharged is:
A: Ginger ale
B: Apple juice
C: Orange juice
D: Cola beverage

4. A female client who has a hiatal hernia is 5 feet 3 inches tall, and weighs 140 lbs, asks the nurse how to best prevent esophageal reflux. The nurse's best response would be:
A: "Increase your intake of fat with each meal."
B: "Lie down after eating to help your digestion."
C: "Reduce your caloric intake to foster weight reduction."
D: "Drink several glasses of fluid during each of your meals."

5. The physician orders a client's IV fluids to be delivered at 80 mL/hr. To adjust the drip rate when administering the IV via gravity, the nurse must know the:
A: Total volume of fluid in the IV bag.
B: Size of the needle or catheter in the vein.
C: Drops per milliliter delivered by the infusion set.
D: Diameter of the tubing being used to instill the fluid.

6. The physician orders serum electrolytes. To determine the effect of persistent vomiting, the nurse should be most concerned with monitoring the:
A: Sodium and chloride levels.
B: Bicarbonate and sulfate levels.
C: Magnesium annd protein levels.
D: Calcium and phosphate levels.

7. You are taking the history of a 14 year old girl who has a (BMI) of 18. The girl reports inability to eat, induced vomiting and severe constipation. Which of the following would you most likely suspect?
A: Multiple sclerosis
B: Anorexia nervosa
C: Bulimia
D: Systemic sclerosis

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1-D; 2-C; 3-B; 4-C; 5-C; 6-A; 7-B;