Monday, August 01, 2005

Student Nursing

Who all is working out there as a student nurse? There is 7 of us from my clinical group working at LMH right now. There are also students from other semesters working there as well. I would be very interested to hear what it is like to practice in all of the hospitals.

I have been able to assist with 5 central lines now ( 2 L subclavians, 1 R subclav, 1 R jugular and today, a R femoral). Also a stress echo, several reg. echos, 2 stress tests, 5 codes ( compressions and bagging), 2 chest tubes, numerous dressing changes, foley catheters, enemas ( many types),
and countless other fun and liquidy things.
It is all so cool. It's like being paid to be a Mom.


Terese K. said...

Kim Duntsch and I (Terese Klein)are at the UCD Medical Center in Sacramento. She's on Ortho/Trauma and I am working in the Burn ICU and I love it...They let me do whatever procedure I want to if I'm available so I've been able to do foleys, NG Tubes, etc. It's been absolutely great! I know more about dressing changes and wound care than anything at this point (and pain meds.)

Bonnie Boss said...

Sounds neat! It will be great for us all to get together again and compare notes. Will you be staying with the UC system? My husband used to be UC Irvine, now he is with LMH.