Saturday, September 03, 2005

Haunting question from the past

I couldn't resist posting this. While practicing questions tonight, I came across this.......

A client is admitted with multiple pressure ulcers. To promote tissue repair, which of these foods should the nurse include in the client's diet plan?

1. fresh orange slices
2. ground beef patties
3. steamed boccoli
4. ice cream

This kinda brings back N2 memories of one of Shelba's (in)famous questions.
Ahh Good times!


Bonnie Boss said...

Rationale: The client needs protein to repair the tissue breakdown from the pressure ulcers, and meat is an excellent source of complete protein. Oranges and broccoli supply vit C but not protein. Ice cream supplies some incomplete protein, making it less helpful in tissue repair.

This question is from the NCLEX RN study cards put out by springhouse.

Bonnie Boss said...

Did you notice that this answer is what the majority of the class chose the first time.

Bonnie Boss said...

I guess that I should tell you that the correct answer is 2.
I was falling asleep when I posted.