Tuesday, September 20, 2005

N4 Renal Failure's Effects on the Body

1. Cardiomyopathy
2. Hypertension
3. Peripheral edema
4. Congestive heart failure
5. Uremic pericarditis
6. Pericardial effusion
7. Pericardial friction rub
8. Cardiac tamponade

1. Lethargy & daytime drowsiness
2. Inabililty to concentrate or decreased attention span
3. Seizures
4. Coma
5. Slurred speech
6. Asterixis
7. Tremors, twitching, or jerky movements
8. Myoclonus
9. Ataxia (alteration in gait)
10. Parathesis

1. Polyuria, nocturia (early)
2. Oliguria, anuria (later)
3. Protienuria
4. Hematuria
5. Diluted, straw like appearance

1. Uremic halitosis
2. Tachypnea
3. Deep sighing, yawning
4. Kussmaul respirations
5. Uremic pneumonitis
6. Shortness of breath
7. Pulmonary edema
8. Pleural effusion
9. Depressed cough reflex
10. Crackles

1. Anorexia
2. Nausea & Vomitting
3. Metallic tastes in the mouth
4. Changes in taste acuity and sensation
5. Uremic colitis (diarrhea)
6. Constipation
7. Uremic gastritis (poss GI bleed)
8. Uremic fetor
9. Stomatitis
10. Diarrhea

1. Decreased skin turgor
2. Yellow-gray pallor
3. Dry skin
4. Pruitius
5. Ecchymosis
6. Purpura
7. Soft-tissue calcifications
8. Uremic frost (late, premobid)

1. Muscle weakness
2. Bone pain
3. Pathologic fractures
4. Renal osteodystrophy

1. Anemia
2. Abnormal bleeding and bruising

1. Decreased fertility
2. Infrequent of absent menses
3. Decreased libido
4. Impotence

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