Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Syndrome Practice Test

1 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: A failure of neutrophils to generate an immune response and lab values indicate elevated IgE levels?
a. Job’s syndrome
b. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
c. Carcinoid syndrome
d. Mallory-Weiss syndrome

Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: right sided valvular disease and diarrhea?
a. Job’s syndrome
b. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
c. Carcinoid syndrome
d. Mallory-Weiss syndrome

3 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: lab values indicate elevated IgA levels and presence of thrombocytopenia?
a. Job’s syndrome
b. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
c. Carcinoid syndrome
d. Mallory-Weiss syndrome

4 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: presence of arthritis and commonly found in males?
a. Reiter’s syndrome
b. Sjogren’s syndrome
c. Kartagener’s syndrome
d. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

5 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: immotile sperm and presence of reoccurring sinusitis?
a. Reiter’s syndrome
b. Sjogren’s syndrome
c. Kartagener’s syndrome
d. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

6 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: presence of arthritis, xerophthalmia and commonly found in females?
a. Reiter’s syndrome
b. Sjogren’s syndrome
c. Kartagener’s syndrome
d. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

7 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: excessive movement occurring at joints and loose skin?
a. Reiter’s syndrome
b. Sjogren’s syndrome
c. Kartagener’s syndrome
d. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

8 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: hematuria, glomerulonephritis and pulmonary dysfunction?
a. Brown-Sequard syndrome
b. Thoracic outlet syndrome
c. Angelman’s syndrome
d. Goodpasture’s syndrome

9 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: presence of ipsilateral motor loss and contralateral spinothalmic tract damage?
a. Brown-Sequard syndrome
b. Thoracic outlet syndrome
c. Angelman’s syndrome
d. Goodpasture’s syndrome

10 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: C8/T1 nerve involvement and weakness in hand muscles?
a. Brown-Sequard syndrome
b. Thoracic outlet syndrome
c. Angelman’s syndrome
d. Goodpasture’s syndrome

11 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: maternal genetic phenotype syndrome?
a. Brown-Sequard syndrome
b. Thoracic outlet syndrome
c. Angelman’s syndrome
d. Goodpasture’s syndrome

12 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: Abnormal development of the 3rd and 4th (Pharyngeal pouches)?
a. Acute coronary syndrome
c. Budd-Chiari syndrome
dDiGeorge’s syndrome

13 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: leads to an increased risk of stroke?
a. Acute coronary syndrome
c. Budd-Chiari syndrome
d. DiGeorge’s syndrome

14 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: abdominal pain, ascites, and hepatic vein occulsions?
a. Acute coronary syndrome
c. Budd-Chiari syndrome
d. DiGeorge’s syndrome

15 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: increased pulmonary permeability and fluid entering the lung space?
a. Acute coronary syndrome
c. Budd-Chiari syndrome
d. DiGeorge’s syndrome

16 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: can be caused by high doses of Tetracyclines?
a. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
b. Fanconi’s syndrome
c. Edward’s syndrome
d. Cri-du-chat syndrome

17 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: caused by poor liver excretion?
a. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
b. Fanconi’s syndrome
c. Edward’s syndrome
d. Cri-du-chat syndrome

18 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: chromosomal deficit of #5?
a. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
b. Fanconi’s syndrome
c. Edward’s syndrome
d. Cri-du-chat syndrome

19 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: chromosomal deficit of #18?
a. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
b. Fanconi’s syndrome
c. Edward’s syndrome
d. Cri-du-chat syndrome

20 Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: chromosomal deficit of #13?
a. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
b. Patau’s syndrome
c. Edward’s syndrome
d. Down syndrome

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