Tuesday, October 04, 2005

N4 test Fractures and Dislocations

Price: Pathophysiology, 6th Edition
Study Questions Chapter 68: Fractures and Dislocations

Which of the following best describes a complete fracture?
A.The fracture crosses or involves the entire width or thickness of the bone.
B.The fracture contains more than two fragments of bone.
C.There is a structural discontinuity or break in a bone in which the surface opposite the break is intact.
D.A fragment of the bone at the involved area is separated at a tendon site.

The initial stage in the repair of a fracture is the:
A.Division of osteogenic cells, which causes a callus to form around the fracture site
B.Proliferation of osteoblasts, which form trabeculae
C.Remodeling of the fracture site
D.Formation of a blood clot in the area

All the following are signs and symptoms indicative of a shoulder dislocation except:
A.The patient supports the injured limb in a flexed position away from the chest or the side.
B.The humeral head can be palpated in the anterior axilla.
C.There is localized pain in the area of the injury.
D.Signs of axillary nerve injury is a rare complication in shoulder dislocation. (Note: aseptic necrosis is a common complication when a dislocated hip is not reduced soon enough but it could also occur with a dislocated shoulder but I don't know how long it would take; the new option is clearly false since axillary nerve injury is a common complication of shoulder dislocation and it is critically important to check for this before attempting to reduce the dislocation)

The important structure necessary for shoulder abduction and is most frequently injured as a complication of a shoulder dislocation is the:
A.Radial nerve
B.Brachial artery
C.Axillary nerve
D.Radial artery

Opposition refers to the: (More than one answer may be correct.)
A.Degree of severity
B.Degrees of deviation from the normal longitudinal axis and the direction of the apex of the angle
C.Extent of displacement of the fracture surfaces
D.Percentage of the fractured portion of one fragment that touches its mate

Before attempting to reduce a dislocated shoulder, which of the following should be observed and recorded: (More than one answer may be correct.)
A.The amount and duration of pain the patient is experiencing
B.The presence of tactile sensation within a small designated area over the deltoid muscle
C.Blood pressure and pulse rate
D.Ability of the patient to elevate minimally the injured limb away from the body

Match the characteristic(s) with the type of fracture.
1.Stress (fatigue)

A.Results from torsion of a limb; Is typical in ski injuries

B.Proceeds at an angle across the bone

C.Heals rapidly; occurs in children

D.Is usually caused by primary or metastatic tumors

E.Occurs in people who have recently increased their activity level

F.Contains more than two fragments of bone

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1a, 2d, 3d, 4c, 5cd, 6bd, 7 a4 b3 c2 d5 e1 f6