Saturday, October 01, 2005

N4 test Thyroid Gland Disorders

Price: Pathophysiology, 6th Edition
Study Questions Chapter 60: Thyroid Gland Disorders

1. Which of the following are characteristics of triiodothyronine (T3) as compared with thyroxine (T4)?
A. Has a lesser affinity for binding proteins, which results in a more potent effect on body tissues in regulating general metabolic rate
B. Configuration consists of two molecules of diiodotyrosine
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b

2. Which of the following levels of thyrotropin (TSH) indicate primary hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism of thyroidal origin)?
A. Above-normal serum TSH levels
B. Normal TSH levels
C. Undetectable TSH levels

3. Parafollicular, or C, cells within the thyroid gland secrete:
A. Thyroxine
B. Triiodothyronine
C. Calcitonin
D. Renin

4. A nurse in the newborn nursery observes a newborn baby boy who is very lethargic and has an umbilical hernia and dry skin. His respirations are noisy, and he has an abnormally hoarse cry. These signs suggest:
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Cretinism
C. Colloid goiter
D. Euthyroidism

5. Which of the following is(are) not characteristic of a malignant thyroid nodule?
A. It usually presents as a hot nodule.
B. It usually appears as a single, firm, fixed nodule.
C. It is functioning.
D. Prognosis following early detection and treatment is excellent.

6. Ms. G., 40 years of age, was hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute monocytic leukemia. She had been anorectic, unable to eat and had lost 20 lbs. She felt weak and lethargic. Her TSH level was slightly above normal. She had low levels of T3 and increased levels of reverse T3. Serum T4 levels were decreased. Her likely condition is:
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Euthyroid sick syndrome
C. Euthyroidism
D. Graves' disease

7. Which of the following are characteristic signs and symptoms of Graves' disease? (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Weight gain
B. Diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland
C. Muscle fatigue
D. Bradycardia

8. Mr. B., 40 years of age, was found to have Graves' disease. Which of the following treatment programs may be prescribed? (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Long-term administration of propylthiouracil
B. Subtotal thyroidectomy following short-term administration of antithyroid drugs and 131I treatment
C. Total thyroidectomy
D. Administration of 50 μg/day of thyroxine

9. Which of the following signs and symptoms is characteristic of hypothyroidism? (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Weight loss
B. Mental, physical slowness
C. Cold intolerance
D. Moist skin
10. Which of the following is characteristic of nontoxic goiters? (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Increase in TSH levels
B. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the thyroid follicles
C. Anti-TSH receptor IgG autoantibodies present in the serum

11. The most likely mechanism by which goitrogens inhibit thyroxine synthesis is to: (More than one answer may be correct.)
A. Decrease thyroxine levels
B. Increase release of TSH by the pituitary gland
C. Convert monoiodotyrosine to diiodotyrosine
D. Inhibit the initial oxidation of iodide

12. The most common form of hypothyroidism is caused by a lesion in the pituitary gland.
True False

13. Hypothyroidism of all forms is best treated with thyroxine.
True False

14. The process referred to as deiodination converts 80% of T4 into 3,5,3'-T3, and the remaining 20% is converted to RT3.
True False

15. Thyroid function is controlled by the hypothalamic glycoprotein hormone TSH and is regulated by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), a pituitary neurohormone.
True False

16. Iodide is an essential element for the production of thyroxine.
True False

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1a, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7bc, 8abc, 9bc, 10ab, 11ab, 12F, 13T, 14T, 15F, 16