Sunday, December 11, 2005

Critical Care Trauma quiz

Open-Book Quizzes Chapter 18
A 55-year-old trauma patient who hit the steering wheel and has a pulmonary contusion requires mechanical ventilation. Which of the following is not a potential complication of this injury?
A. Flail chest
B. Hemothorax
C. Pericardial tamponade
D. Pneumonia
A syndrome which occurs in trauma patients that is characterized by dyspnea, severe hypoxemia, decreased lung compliance and diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates is:
A. Adult respiratory distress syndrome
B. Fat emboli
C. pneumothorax
D. Pulmonary contusion
The administration of this medication reduces the acute inflammatory response, which therefore reduces the secondary injury that occurs with a spinal cord injury.
A. Calcium channel blockers
B. Glucocorticoids
C. Mineralocorticoids
D. Proton pump inhibitors
A restrained patient's status after a motor vehicle accident includes dyspnea and complaints of severe chest pain. Upon assessment you note that he does not have any femoral pulses. You suspect aortic dissection. For diagnosis you expect the emergency room physician to order:
A. Cardiac catheterization
B. Chest x-ray and aortogram
C. CT scan without contrast
D. Transesophageal echocardiogram
The primary priority for the critical care nurse in regards to the trauma patient is:
A. Decrease the risk of volume overload with fluid resuscitation
B. Increase the patient's sensitivity to catecholamines
C. Increase the physiological reserve of the trauma patient
D. Provide adequate oxygenation and ensure tissue perfusion
A 72-year-old patient fractured his pelvis in a motor vehicle accident 2 days ago. He suddenly becomes anxious and short of breath. His respiratory rate is 34 breaths per minute, and he is complaining of midsternal chest pain. His oxygen saturation drops to 75%. You suspect:
A. Cardiac tamponade
B. Myocardial infarction
C. Pulmonary embolus
D. Tension pneumothorax
______ trauma most often results from motor vehicle accidents, but also occurs as a result of assault with objects, falls from heights, or sports-related injuries.

Every trauma patient has the potential for _______ obstruction.

Impaired cardiac output in the trauma patient is most often caused by _____________ shock.
A _____________ is a collection of blood in the pleural space due to injuries to the heart or the pulmonary parenchyma.

Match each description with the correct term related to trauma.
1. Coup-contrecoup injury
2. Cricothyrotomy
3. Flail chest
4. Penetrating injury
5. Primary survey
6. Secondary survey
7. Trauma team
8. Triage

A methodical head-to-toe evaluation, using assessment, to identify all injuries

Health care professionals involved in the initial resuscitation and stabilization of the trauma victim

Necessary to control the airway when a trauma patient is unable to be intubated

Sorting patients to determine which patients need emergent and specialized care for injuries

The impalement of foreign objects into the body

The rapid, 1- to 2-minute evaluation to identify life-threatening injuries and to establish priorities

This occurs with three or more adjacent rib fractures in more than one location
When brain tissue strikes the cranium vault and is thrown back against the opposite side of the cranium

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