Thursday, May 19, 2005

Bone Marrow Blood Drive A Success

There were 70 something names added to the bone marrow donor lists and around 60 to 70 pints of blood given.
Numbers are not my thing so y'all will have to supply the official numbers. Or I will, when I write them down the next time that I hear them.

Thank you to the Student Nurses Association for sponsoring this drive for Anthony ( It was great getting to meet him). Thank you to everyone that set up, helped out in the rain and donated. Does anyone besides me have a sore throat from talking all day? Thank you also to the other semester nursing students that took over the tables and flyers when we had to go to lecture. It was awesome meeting you.

It makes me sad that they will not allow me to donate anymore, since I lived in England for a few years in the 80's (possibility of mad cow disease you know, even though there have not been any studies done which prove a connection). Do I sound like a mad cow? Hey, Don't answer that! At least I will be allowed to donate bone marrow if they ever find a match.

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