Tuesday, September 27, 2005

N4 Pharm quiz Adrenal Agents

Lilley: Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 4th Edition
evolve website

1. The nurse plans administration of prednisone based on knowledge that glucocorticoids:
A. Are usually administered early in the evening to coincide with the natural secretion pattern of the adrenal cortex
B. Are usually administered on a strict, unchanging schedule in order to prevent adverse reactions
C. Should be administered with food to diminish the risk of gastric irritation
D. Should not be administered intravenously secondary to the risk of hypotension when given parenterally

2. Which of the following statements about glucocorticoids is most accurate?
A. They influence carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism
B. They are produced in decreased amounts during times of stress
C. They decrease serum sodium and glucose levels
D. They stimulate defense mechanisms to produce immunity

3. The nurse would question an order for steroids in a patient with:
A. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Septic shock
D. COPD exacerbation

4. When assessing for potential side effects of fludrocortisone (Florinef), the nurse monitors for signs and symptoms of:
A. Hyponatremia
B. Hypercalcemia
C. Hypokalemia
D. Hypovolemia

5. Discharge teaching for a patient receiving glucocorticoids should include the preferred use of which of the following medications for pain management?
A. aspirin
B. acetaminophen
C. ibuprofen
D. naproxen sodium

6. The nurse would question an order for aminoglutethimide (Cytadren) in a patient with:
A. Metastatic breast cancer
B. Cushing's syndrome
C. Adrenal malignancy
D. Addison's disease

1 comment:

Bonnie Boss said...

1c, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6d